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Red and Green for the Holidays but… What about the Blues?

Got them holiday blues? You're not alone. At Firm Foundations Counseling Inc. we know that the holiday season is a festive time for many, but also one of the most difficult times of the year for others.

Many people can experience feelings of anxiety or depression during the holiday season. People who already live with a mental health condition should take extra care to tend to their overall health and wellness during this time.  Extra stress, unrealistic expectations or even sentimental memories that accompany the season can be a catalyst for the holiday blues. Some can be at risk for feelings of loneliness, sadness, fatigue, tension and a sense of loss.  A lot of seasonal factors can trigger the holiday blues such as, less sunlight, changes in your diet or routine, alcohol at parties, over-commercialization or the inability to be with friends or family. These are all factors that can seriously affect your mood. There are several things you can do to help during the holiday season to help reduce the "blues".  Here are some simple tips that may help.